There's quite a few negative things in the world, in Texas and in my own life right now that I could focus on.
The fires here in Texas
All the families who lost their homes
Here's a really beautiful picture, but sad when you realize that he's moving his horses to safety away from the fire.
Also we are in the process of moving to Fort Worth, but we're waiting till Isaiah has a for sure job up there. We are packed up and staying with my family right now. Having patient faith that God has a plan and it's a good one is something I have to work on everyday.
I was focusing way too much on the negative when I realized that I was developing tunnel vision and all I could see anymore was the bad stuff. You know how the great motivational speakers like Zig Ziglar and....... (ok, I'm sure there's others even if I can't think of them right now!) say that we should make a list of the things we're thankful for and how it can change your whole outlook on life. Well I decided to do that and I'm going to share with ya'll my list for today. :)
I am thankful for..................
1. a God who is so rich in Mercy, Grace and Love that never ends
2. my awesome husband who is doing a great job at hunting down jobs and has a very good prospect
3. our four beautiful children
4. living in a state (TEXAS!!!) that rallies together and helps their neighbors in hard times
5. Walmart :) - they honored the warranty on our battery and we got a brand new one absolutely free for our excursion
6. people who make good, Godly movies that actually make it to the theaters (there's several but last night we watched "Seven Days In Utopia" and enjoyed it
7. my baby girl who is doing really good with her potty-training!
And sometimes you get a fan crowd!
(I hope these pics didn't offend anyone or gross you out!) :D
8. a wonderful church waiting for us in Fort Worth (it really feels like coming home!)
9. my family who is very generously letting us stay with them and barge into their daily life with no apologies. I love ya'll! ;)
10. and finally, I'm thankful for this blog where I can write down my thoughts and in the process sort through and gain perspective on situations.
Thanks ya'll for listening! I feel better already! I really do have a LOT to be thankful for and the negative things are fast fading away into oblivion.
One more thing. How do I know whether I'm using a copyrighted photo? I'm guessing if I can save it to my computer, it's ok to use it. If anyone has any info, please share it with me. :) Thanks!!!